
A requirement for the Ecosystem Services Assessment, and for the functioning of the overall ecosystem services marketplace, is that supporting research and innovation is based on sound science.

Read more about the science-based projects that have been completed inĀ support of ecosystem services assessment and ES and biodiversity market development:

Alberta Biodiversity Conservation Chairs

Two biodiversity conservation chairs were established to provide dedicated science capacity to link monitoring outcomes with policy outcomes and strategic planning.

Bears, Wolves and Ecosystem Health

Ecosystem-scale monitoring of population trends in grizzly bears and wolves in southwestern Alberta. There are two distinct initiatives: the Southwest Alberta Grizzly Bear Monitoring Project and the Wolf Population Monitoring Framework in Southwest Alberta.

Evaluating Mechanisms for Wetland Restoration and Retention in Alberta

Exploring an innovative, market-based approach to wetland restoration through a living laboratory, allowing for unprecedented restoration efforts in Alberta. Using reverse auctions, in which landownes submit bids for wetland restoration work on their property.

Towards Integrated Source Water Management in Alberta

Addressing knowledge gaps related to the impacts of forest management through harvesting on water, and comparing these impacts to those associated with wildfires.

Using Decomposition Rates and Microbial Activity to Understand Grazing Impacts on Nutrient Cycling and Carbon Sequestration on Alberta Rangelands

Quantifying the influence of regulatory mechanisms capable of altering decomposition and nutrient cycling by soil microbes. Providing a basic understanding of how grazing can alter grassland carbon stores and, in turn, providing insight into how managers can optimize carbon storage.